I do not buy or sell books.
Before you e-mail or telephone me, please read the
Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs).
Sales Coming Soon
Many book sales are described on a national list. Sales for our state are at
That page will actually have a list of all the sales in Pennsylvania that they know about.
These are coming up soon in our area:

To get directions from your starting place, go to www.googlemaps.com,
fill in the blue box with your address and the address of the library
you wish to visit, and hit enter.
October 15 until stock is depleted: Cookbooks and Home Arts
November 11 until year's end: "Giftable" books and interesting flea market buys
Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The Squirrel Hill Friends have been selling special books online for several years.
You can see them at www.amazon.com/shops/sqhill.
Unfortunately, you cannot buy them at this time, because
there are not enough volunteers to pack books for mailing.
Volunteers can schedule a time and day that is convenient for them.
A packing session usually takes less than an hour.
Stop in at the Friends workroom (next to the restrooms) and find out more from Pat Bender.
If the workroom is closed, check in with Jody Cole (the branch manager).
The Squirrel Hill Friends have opened their "Friends' Shop",
a major expansion of their Ongoing Book Sale.
Donations are always welcome.
A reminder: there are special events from time to time in the book sale area.
You can get advance notice by sending your email address to:
Volunteers are always needed. Tasks are varied;
even 15 minutes straightening shelves whenever you're at the library would be useful.
Stop in at the Friends workroom next to the restrooms and find out how you can help.
to print test pages as I work on the
Friends of the Squirrel Hill Library
ink cartridges for Epson printers -- (genuine Epson, not generics that work in Epson)
model C86 --- cartridgeT04##
model C88 --- cartridgeT060#
please leave at the Customer Service desk
marked "for Margie Spenser"
As of November 5, 2015: The Ugly Truth
I haven't had time to keep the list of book sales and stores current for a long time.
I hope to publish an edition of the 2016 SaleList early next year.
In the meantime, the 2008 version of the SaleList can give you hints about who might be having a sale --
but you'll have to call the library or look online at their website to see if the sale is happening this year.
Click on the Word or PDF button (to the left) to see the 2008 info available.
The easiest way to find any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh branch library's website is to go to carnegielibrary.org
and click on the tab marked LOCATIONS AND DEPARTMENTS.
The map that comes up shows each branch of the CLP as a dot. Click on the dot to go to the branch info.
For other libraries in Allegheny County, click on the words "Allegheny County Libraries"
under QUICK LINKS on the right side of the page.
The Friends segment of this website is being kept current. (Which is why the book sale list is not.)
Used book sales in Western Pennsylvania are growing so fast that it’s hard to keep track of them all. Since early 2001, I’ve been compiling and disseminating a guide to Used Book Sales and Stores in and around Allegheny County (see About the SaleList). On April 27, 2005 this website was created to make it easier to share that SaleList. Here you can:
- download the SaleList in either a Microsoft Word or a .pdf (Portable Document Format) version so you can read it on your own computer or print a copy to carry around. If you have an old copy of the list and just want to update parts of it, you can choose to download small files of Revisions.
- browse the SaleList here and do a quick lookup of your favorite library or book store.
- get answers to Frequently Asked Questions such as "What can I do with my old magazines?" and "Can you sell me the book I am looking for?". Please read the FAQs page before you ask me a question via e-mail, because if your question is answered there I'll just be e-mailing the FAQ to you.
I have removed the pages intended for "Pittsburgh Exchange", a place to share ads and thoughts related to books, reading, recycling, sharing. Much of its purpose is already well served by www.craigslist.com and www.freecycle.com. Both permit free ads and have established themselves as strong sites.
I'd like to learn about any other sites for bookworms. (For sites I've already learned about, see page ii of the SaleList, "Sites of Interest".)
I'd particularly like to find a source for a good list of books written by Pittsburghers or about Pittsburgh.